What makes DST unique

The challenges in asset management decisions

Findings of the international SALVO research

  1. It can be difficult to prioritise between solving urgent tactical issues and addressing the bigger, more strategic requirements
  2. People often try to fix the superficial symptoms rather than the underlying problem/opportunity
  3. Technical folk often to have a bias towards familiar, technical solutions – how can we stimulate lateral thinking and creative solutions?
  4. The skills, tools and processes to make a robust business case are often missing, especially when facing complex trade-offs and incomplete data
  5. It is difficult to find the best combination of asset management activities for optimal total cost/risk/performance/sustainment outcomes
  6. Total programs need to be adaptive to changing priorities and constraints – how to do this with transparency in all the impacts?

More than just 'data analytics'

Our Decision Support Tools, (DST) developed to address all the problems above, provide the combination of process guidance (‘force the right questions to be asked’) as well as leading edge modelling and optimization functions.  They help you to quantify the impact of costs, risks, performance, sustainability, compliance, safety, environmental impact and intangibles (such as reputation).  And they enable real-time, instant ‘what if?‘ exploration of options, scenarios and alternative assumptions.  Finally they provide the means to develop and capture why each decision is correct and optimal – the audit trail that creates confidence and consensus with different stakeholders.

Good decision-making, as enabled by DST, is....


Builds bridges between competing interests, finds the optimal compromise.


Evaluates alternative scenarios, assumptions and uncertainties – instantly.


Essential to show why the chosen outcome is the best value solution.


Incorporates and quantifies risks and how they may change or affect each other.


Able to demonstrate that the chosen option delivers the best overall value.


with the quantifed significance of all types of costs, benefits and risks etc.

SALVO aligns leadership desires with asset and operational realities.

DST provides the business case for what is worth doing, when

Tangible and intangible influences may be assessed for impact, as can alternative non-technical interventions. DST provides a unique platform to accommodate top-down executive and financial objectives, bottom up real world operational constraints, and practical subject matter expert site knowledge that is often unacknowledged by the business, yet often highly valuable. As a result, DST uniquely offers the opportunity to identify business benefits and operational efficiencies that are largely missed by other methods.

How it works

Discover the seven modules of the DST suite with different asset management options 

Contact us

We would be happy to speak with you and learn how we can help you and your business.

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