Asset Investment Decisions and
Optimization of Strategic Plans

Can you demonstrate and prove...

...that your investment plan delivers the best value mix of costs, risks, performance and sustainability?
...which tasks to re-schedule if budgets or priorities change?
...the true cost and risk impact of resource or regulatory constraints?

We can help you to quantify the business case for your strategies, plans and projects. Enabling you to explore, instantly, the costs, risks and performance implications of different options and scenarios.

We can deliver

Project justifications and whole portfolio optimization

Justification and optimal timing of individual projects/interventions and complex investment or activity programs.

Transparency, consensus-building and assurance

…for what is worth doing (or spending), when and why. 

Coherent management of risk and sustainability

…in decisions and strategies – from individual asset failure modes to enterprise level. 

Whole life cycle value

Transforming organizational thinking, culture and performance. Our methods provide rigorous consideration of the full asset life cycle in procurement and project decisions, in operations & maintenance and in end-of-life decisions. 

Real, large financial benefits

Our process is an instant return on investment and highly sustainable; ALL implementations of this approach have been ‘self-funding’ within the first 6 months.

Our Solution?

DST StAMP (Strategic Asset Management Planner)

The leading-edge decision support software to aggregate and optimize complete programs of asset investment and other projects, competing for funding and resources to meet conflicting objectives.

  • Combines individual strategies and interventions studies into a complete program of work, with full ‘drill-down’ transparency of what, why, and when. 
  • Calculates the combined, total impact of CapEx, OpEx, and RiskEx, performance, and other business outcomes. 
  • Enables real-time identification and exploitation of timing opportunities
  • Uses advanced analytics (AI) to seek the optimal compromise between competing goals 
  • Provides rapid ‘what-if?’ comparisons to explore changes, alternative strategies, uncertainties, opportunities, or constraints
  • Exported plans and data can be directly used in budgeting and work management processes and tools
  • Outperforms any other strategic planning methods and tools to deliver unrivaled tangible benefits

SASOL Synfuels attributed over $20 million of benefits in cost avoidance and asset life extensions.

The ISA utilities group in South America found a 10:1 benefits/cost ratio.

Pirelli and SABIC reduced their planned shutdowns by 50%

London Underground estimated £2-4 million/year savings from just a 3-hour study of maintenance and renewal strategies.

Advanced technology with a human touch

The sweeping changes in asset information management, data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) can leave technical staff, planners  and managers intimidated, and result in ‘temporary enthusiasms’ and underexploited opportunities. The SALVO Process supported by DST software tools,  ensures complete alignment between ‘human  factors’, business process disciplines and the  proportionate use of advanced technology. 

For example, it includes:

  • The capture and quantification of ‘tacit’ knowledge, securing organizational memory, recognizing and using personal expertise, and  collective wisdom to compensate for uncertainties and lack of data.
  • Personal engagement, consensus-building and ‘line-of-sight alignment: unrivalled success in achieving understanding and agreement between front-line technical/operational staff, multi-disciplinary/multi-stakeholder viewpoints and senior management.

A systematic, customizable framework and process

Leadership confidence
Building understanding and support from senior managers
through 'proof of concept' studies
Customized implementation plan,
calibrated for local priorities, capabiities and culture.
Phased introduction of training
processes and decision support tools
Consolidating into management system
authorities and business processes.
Behavioral reinforcement, coaching and support,
establishing value criteria in all aspects of organizational
risk, cost and performance
Measuring benefits, feedback and
competency reinforcement.
Management of Change
Continuous improvement as a consistent habit.

DST Modules

Discover how DST StAMP combines with the other 6 modules to benefit your organization. 

Contact us

We would be happy to speak with you and learn how we can help you and your business.

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